Why have an action plan?
A newly vacant plot is unlikely to be in a pristine, ready-to-plant condition and may have been
neglected by the previous tenant before the plot was vacated. A lot of effort may be required
getting a plot into a manageable state and new tenants will need to carefully plan the materials,
tools, effort and, most importantly, time, which will be required during their first year, especially the
first few months of tenancy. Before a plot is made available to a new tenant, they will need to show
that they appreciate the effort required by providing an action plan for the first four to six months of
their tenancy.
Contents of an action plan
There is no prescriptive list defining an action plan because there is no rigid definition of what a
successful allotment plot looks like; perhaps neat rows of vegetables in boxes or an intermingled,
interplanted array of flowers, herbs and other plants with herb paths. While your plans will change
with experience, this will be a starting point potentially showing the steps you would intend to take
from the beginning to the next stage, then the next stage and so on.
It is likely that some tidying up will be required, taking unwanted, broken stuff to the recycling centre. It is likely that that weeds will need taming perhaps by digging and composting which can be hard work. It is possible that ground has not been double dug and recently manured which means more hard work. It is possible that you will want to change the shape of the beds, if they exist, which may require treated timber and posts which, in turn will require transport or arranging deliveries. There could be a lot to do.
The action plan could note the starting point, noting deficiencies with the current situation, or there could be sketch showing hopes and aspirations. The action plan could have a detailed calendar of planned goals or it could bullet point the stages on the way. The action plan could have a detailed planting schedule, or it could be a sketch of what goes where and when.
The important thing to note is that it is your action plan showing your commitment.
Reviewing the action plan
There are regular site inspections at the allotment site and once an action plan has been accepted
and a tenancy offered and accepted, a new tenant will be expected to attend inspections which will
provide an opportunity to show how the plan is developing and whether any help and advice is
sought or required.
Failure to follow the action plan may result in termination of the tenancy.